
Fuss is a magnifying glass for value. Create demand and provide supply. Whatever demand is. Just be creative: Internships -- jobs -- products -- and anything else in between.

Projects Or learn why

Why Fuss?

Collective over Individual

Think any kind of project. The workload can be faster progressed if tasks are divided based on skills of each individual. Therefore, the power of collective working together is greater than the power of individuals working individualistically. 

Specialize over Broad knowledge

Practicing on a particular subject such as Finance, Marketing, Research, Business Development or any branch of these, results in specializing on a particular domain. Instead of having to learn everything, collaborate with people to bring knowledge together.

Demand and Supply

By asking people what they are missing, demand is created and further on, supply can be provided. Developing such projects, results in a healthy growth of the community. It empowers people to bring a positive contribution.


If the life goal is to achieve happiness, let's work together in order to obtain it as soon as possible. For some people happiness comes as consumption while for others as production.

Student projects and testimonials

By being proactive, energy and power of creation are used for a greater good. The only limitation we have, is our motivation and engagement.

Unlimited resources are available online. Let's make use of them!!

A. Fisca

I got my first job before graduating and I have never looked back. With Fuss, I got the training I needed to really understand the platforms so that I have the confidence to do my job well. It is a great feeling to know that I am a true professional and leader in my field.

Aaron M.

Kdabousz is a musical project that started an year ago in Curaçao and moved to Eindhoven. A new song with video clip is released monthly

Khalon Keller

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